Now that you have made your mind about the participation, you must know of some rules we follow around here.

*Rules and Instructions*

  • Ensure that your team complies with the size restrictions (typically between 1-3 members).
  • Participants are allowed to be part of only one team.
  • When you start the CTF, 6+ Hours will be alloted to complete maximum number of challenges.
  • Each question has some points to it depending upon the difficulty. Taking a hint will deduce no points associated with the question.
  • There is no particular order of solving the questions.
  • Judging of the round will be based on two parameters. The first is the score of the team and second is the time required.
  • The leaderboard time is updated after the submission are made.
  • Flags found are of the format crack_in_ctf{flag_here}. Some of the files may contain just the inner text within the brackets. Make sure you submit it in the format specified. Flag text is case case sensitive.
  • This is a competitive environment with the aim of learning cyber security and ethical hacking. Please do not share the flags & solutions with others. If found guilty your team may face penalties or disqualification.
  • Ensure that your team complies with the size restrictions (typically between 1-3 members).
  • You are responsible for the actions of your team members. If a team member is found violating the rules, your team may face penalties or disqualification.
  • Only valid flags will count toward your score.
  • Submitting an incorrect incomplete or duplicate flag will result in no points or a penalty.
  • Submit flags during the official event time frame. Late submissions after the event ends may not be counted.
  • Do not copy solutions or flags from other sources, including previous CTFs or external resources, violating the rules may result in disqualification pr penalties.
  • Contact Discord Help-Desk for any issues or queries.

*Special Rules and Instructions*

  • Dont try to hack anything apart from this CTF Network
  • Dont try to hack other members
  • Dont spoil! Dont share how you solved each challenge with other members.
  • Performing denial of service attacks on the server will lead to disqualification.
  • You are requested to play ethically.
  • Brute force attacks on the flag form is prohibited.
  • Remember, once the timer starts, it can't be paused. The timer will not resume if you logout and log back in.

  • We expect each and every one of you to comply by the rules. Failure to do so might result in a permanent ban.